Have your documents checked now

OBS MBA Master of Business Administration in nur 8 Monaten

Uploading documents

Please gather all the required documents listed below and submit them to us as a ZIP folder via the upload form.

OBS MBA Master of Business Administration in nur 8 Monaten

The form allows only one attachment to be uploaded.

OBS MBA Master of Business Administration in nur 8 Monaten

We check the documents

We will review your documents promptly to ensure completeness and compliance with the admission requirements. If any documents are missing, we will contact you.

OBS MBA Master of Business Administration in nur 8 Monaten

We confirm your approval

Congratulations! Your documents have successfully passed the review, and we are pleased to inform you of your acceptance. Now, nothing stands in the way of your studies, and you can choose your preferred start date. If you have any remaining questions, we are happy to assist you via a personal phone call or email.

List of required documents

For the examination and subsequent registration to participate in the MBA program, we need the following documents:

  1. Proof of highest academic or educational qualification – your degree, certificate or diploma (PDF).
  2. CV (PDF)
  3. Letter of recommendation - job references or letter from employer or acquaintance (PDF)
  4. Language certificate - *only if already available (PDF)
  5. Passport photo (PDF)
  6. Copy of identity document - passport (PDF)

Have your study admission checked now

Thank you for choosing to have your study documents reviewed. We will get back to you after a short processing time to inform you, without obligation, whether admission can be granted.

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